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Export Channels to other Software
With Channels DVR Server, you can export your existing live TV lineups to other software using M3U playlists and XMLTV guide data.
You may find that you want to use the live TV channels you’ve set up in Channels with other software. Maybe the software works on a platform that Channels doesn’t, or maybe the software supports features that Channels doesn’t. In this, case, it’s very easy to use your Channels lineup in other software.
Exporting Channels
Utilizing M3U playlists for streams and XMLTV for EPG guide data, both industry standards, you can feed your Channels lineup into other software. With a simple URL, your third party software will be able to utilize your Channels lineup.
Export Lineup
To export your lineup, visit your Channels DVR Server web admin and navigate to Settings > Sources. Use the management button to get the M3U and XMLTV URLs for the source.
Simply use these URLs in your third party software to utilize your Channels lineup.
Protip: Export your entire Channels lineup at once by copying the URL from the top level management button in Sources.
Protip: Export a single Channel Collection using the management button on the Channel Colelction.
Advanced Options
When exporting your channel lineup, there are a few advanced options you can add to the URL for a customized experience.
M3U Options
Optionally use these query parameters on your M3U URL to customize the way the channel streams are utilized.
Param | Description | Value Type |
format | Define the streaming technology used. MPEG-TS or HLS live Streaming. | ts or hls |
bitrate | Force transcoding by defining a bitrate in kilobits per second | 4000 |
abitrate | Audio bitrate in kilobits per second | 128 |
codec | Force a video codec. Use copy to use original codec. |
h264 , hevc , copy |
acodec | Force an audio codec. Use copy to use original codec. |
aac , ac3 , copy |
Note: Biterate options are only valid if codecs are not specified as copy
XMLTV Options
Optionally use these query parameters on your XMLTV URL to customize the outputed guide data.
Param | Description | Value Type |
duration | Length of guide data, in seconds | 86400 |