Channels for Fire TV & Tablets

Release Notes

Version 4.8.0 (September 18th, 2024)

new Picture in Picture Availability setting can be used to dismiss PIP automatically when leaving the Guide or leaving the app
new Sidebar navigation supports updated Server Side Setting allowing custom ordering of items
new TV Shows now have their own Commercial Skipping setting
new TV Shows and Video Groups now have their own Auto Play setting
new TV Shows and Video Groups can be set to automatically show Closed Captions
new Video Groups are now eligible for Up Next
new Recently watched channels are now available as a native collection in Guide and On Now
new Double-click center button in the player to jump to last channel
fixed Guide data could fail to load in some cases
fixed Refreshing guide data is now more reliable
fixed Scroll position was not being retained in the guide when switching sidebar items
fixed The Home tab should once again be able to be mapped to remote buttons
fixed Rare crash when changing Show settings
fixed Rare video playback issues
fixed Video playback issue in last build
fixed Watch Order setting was not working on Video groups
fixed Adjust Recording Options was creating duplicate recording jobs
fixed Recently Updated in TV Shows view should now sort correctly

Version 4.7.1 (July 12th, 2024)

fixed Video playback issues on some devices
fixed Crashes in some rare scenarios

Version 4.7.0 (July 10th, 2024)

new The Library section has been renamed to Home and moved to top of the sidebar navigation
new Search page has been redesigned and now allows filtering by content type and includes episode results
new Recordings view has been rewritten and now is a multi-pane view on larger screens or in landscape view
new Shuffle playback option for TV shows
new Support for streaming YouTube trailers via URL
new Supports individual closed caption setting on TV Shows
new Test Surround Sound option under Support
new Experimental support for AV1 playback
improved Hardware decoding of VP9 videos on supported devices
improved Error messages when a recording is not found or corrupted
improved Channel tuning time for DVB broadcasts
improved Tuning speed on some DVB-S streams with missing subtitles/teletext
improved Remote streaming improvements
improved Channels is now more reliable on low-memory devices
fixed Library Collection sort order was not being correctly used
fixed Some rows in the Kids Section were not sorted correctly
fixed Some sections were not loading correctly via the Channels API
fixed Rare Guide crashes were happening when transitioning between playing content and navigating to the guide
fixed Rare crashes while watching Live TV and displaying the guide

Version 4.6.6 (January 29th, 2024)

new Provide a list of up to 3 of the most recently connected servers when selecting At Home to connect to a DVR
new Add the timeout parameter for /api/notify to match iOS/tvOS
improved ATSC3 tuning speed
improved Error messages when connecting to older HDHomeRun units
improved Error messages when streaming remotely now have more detail beyond "Transcoder Reset", now including HDHR errors like "Tuner Unreachable", "All Tuners In Use" and M3U errors like "Stream Limit Reached"
improved Error messages when playing Live TV at home will have more informative messages
improved Channels that are not in a subscription but aren't properly handled by the HDHR will now be reported as "Not Subscribed"
improved Allow for pressing play when an error is displayed to restart the stream
improved Error messages when a recording is not found or corrupted
updated Remove unused Diagnostic reason pop-up
updated Reduce the HLS cache for recordings to only keep cached segments for 3 days instead of 10
updated Move the HLS cache for recordings from the persistent data directory back to the cache directory to make it easier to delete via system menus
fixed Crash that could happen when viewing the guide
fixed Long delay that could happen when finishing watching Live TV when Original Quality Delivery is set to Stream
fixed The player could stop abruptly in the middle of a recording when streaming via HLS
fixed Unusual situation when using HLS with low disk space that could cause video to prematurely stop
fixed Don't display error after playback failure on Virtual Channels
fixed Seeking forward when using HLS with limited available disk space could cause playback of a recording to be prematurely ended

Version 4.6.4 (September 11th, 2023)

improved Image caching
improved Internal diagnostics
fixed Unusual crashes

Version 4.6.3 (June 16th, 2023)

new Support for stream links from the Guide via Custom Channels
new Better support for WMV files
new TV Show images with mismatched aspect ratios are now displayed better
new Support custom crop set for images on the dvr web UI
improved Error messages when Live TV connection is closed
improved Episodes without art will use the show art
improved Stream links will now show thumbnails if available from TMDB
improved Movies, TV Shows, and Collections without art now have a titled placeholder instead of the logo placeholder
improved Performance improvement for remote streaming
fixed On Later was not showing movie titles correctly
fixed Remote playback of trailers and subtitles
fixed Trash all Items option was appearing on phones even with server side setting to disallow deletion

Version 4.6.2 (April 10th, 2023)

new Optionally force video delivery to use Streaming (HLS) or Direct (default) when using original quality
new Support section in Settings now displays remote streaming cache size and a way to clear it
new Scheduled job to clean up old cached recordings daily
improved Caching for HLS (Remote) streaming to match iOS/tvOS implementation
improved Buffering when tuning into live channel
improved More metadata tags show for content (HD, 4K, Atmos, DTS, etc)
improved Software decoding option on Stream+
fixed Seeking could cause playback to restart with certain recordings when Home Streaming is enabled
fixed Playback state could get reset to unwatched at the end of a recording
fixed Playing VC1 video with hardware decoder selected could show a blank screen
fixed Server-side setting for Virtual Channels > Tuning In was not being set

Version 4.6.1 (January 16th, 2023)

fixed Streaming errors while away from home
fixed Errors playing some TVE channels like HSN

Version 4.6.0 (January 13th, 2023)

improved Better error messages when remote streaming errors occur
improved Support for Windows 11 Subsystem for Android
fixed Closed captions were not working with some mp4 files
fixed Remote Shortcut for Live TV could crash the app

Version 4.5.1 (November 15th, 2022)

new Support for the custom editable sort title for Movies and TV Shows
new Support for the custom sorting options for Video Groups
improved Context menu options in the Library allow easier access to upcoming airings, adding shows to collections, and more
improved Support for named hosts when adding a local Channels DVR Server
fixed Remote streaming seek issues
fixed Badges are now updating properly on the Library episodes view

Version 4.5.0 (October 20th, 2022)

new On Later is now available on Android
new Progress bars appear on On Now, Guide and Quick Guide
new View and edit Device Name under Settings > General
new Current time notch on the Guide
new Support for automatic keyword filters in Channel Collections
fixed Currently airing items on the Guide were misaligned when starting after the half hour
fixed Virtual channels were showing incorrect timing for "In X minutes" on the timline and quick guide
fixed Timeline was not showing padding for recordings still in-progress
fixed Some crashes in the player

Version 4.4.1 (September 28th, 2022)

new Select future virtual channel program to watch from that point forward
new Settings > Playback > Seek Options lets you control whether the timeline appears during quick seeks
new Support for Playback Speed in Show options
new Support for allow/block labels via server-side settings
improved Bonjour discovery now uses native Android APIs
improved No timeline appears on screen when switching to the next program on a virtual channel
improved Use the play button on your remote to play a future virtual airing on the guide directly
improved Better diagnostic logging when a player error is displayed
fixed Placeholder guide data was missing record option
fixed Crash when playing virtual channel
fixed Start from Beginning button could appear incorrectly on virtual channels after switching to a new program with commercial markers
fixed Advanced video decoder setting was not appearing on FireOS 5 devices
fixed Trash all Items option was not working from Library

Version 4.4.0 (September 19th, 2022)

new Server-side setting to make clients match DVR's source priority
new New options to define what happens when you tune into a Virtual Channel: Start Live, Start From Beginning, Ask, or the new inline Start From Beginning button
new New resume option for resuming recordings: In Player Button - This will auto resume your recording, with a button showing offering you the ability to start from the beginning
improved The Quick Guide will match the currently playing program when the channel has been timeshifted
improved Video player was not fitting screen correctly on mobile devices with a cut-out
improved Error display when Live TV stream fils
improved Pressing play after a Live TV error will now restart playback
improved Notifications when network errors are detected
improved Expose Keep Forever and Mark as Favorite options for episodes
improved Caching and playback behavior when streaming away from home
improved WMV/WMA audio/video codecs
improved Support for vudu stream links
fixed Guide data for older programs would disappear when time-shifting for a couple of hours
fixed Hitting the Play button on an Up Next item starts playing
fixed MPAA and TV ratings were hard to read
fixed Imported .strm was not playing back
fixed Timeline text would be overlapped when image was missing
fixed Clicking back in Resume/Start from Beginning dialog was not working
fixed Virtual channel would skip ahead when moving to next program
fixed Rotated videos were not playing back correctly with Hardware decoder
fixed Watching a movie would show Watch Next button at the end on phone/tablet
fixed Some videos would fail to play with Hardware decoder (player will switch to software automatically)

Version 4.3.2 (August 9th, 2022)

fixed Content ratings were not appearing correctly
fixed Video player stats was not showing tuner signal levels

Version 4.3.1 (August 4th, 2022)

new View MPAA and TV ratings, and browse movies by rating in Enhanced Libary mode
improved Remote streaming reliability
improved Add support for Opus audio
improved Timeline more accurately represents available playback when using HLS
fixed Issue with Library Collection contents not being sorted correctly
fixed Seeking multiple times when watching remotely would sometimes jump backward
fixed Crash that could happen after watching TV for an extended period of time due to memory exhaustion

Version 4.3.0 (March 22nd, 2022)

new Support for Library Collections on your DVR
new Support for Videos imported on your DVR
new Support for Automatic Channels on your Channel Collections
new Support for custom artwork uploaded into the DVR
fixed Non-standard aspect ratio images were not appearing correctly
fixed App could show stale recordings data after waking device from sleep
fixed Playback could stall at the end of some recordings breaking features like Auto Play and Virtual Channels

Version 4.2.1 (February 17th, 2022)

fixed Live TV could stall on FireOS 5 devices when free space was low
fixed Scrolling up quickly in the On Now grid was not working reliably
fixed Visual glitch on the On Now tab with the filter
fixed Images were not appearing correctly in the player Quick Guide
fixed Recordings tab had confusing last label on recent weekdays
fixed Guide data was not loading for non-DVR users on some FireOS 5 devices
fixed Back button was not working reliably in the Guide
fixed Guide data from some XMLTV sources would incorrectly show today's date on every program

Version 4.2.0 (February 8th, 2022)

fixed Visual layout glitch when browsing TV shows
fixed Video player would sometimes only play sound
fixed Player stall when switching to commercials on some cable feeds with Surround Sound enabled
fixed Timeline would not reflect full duration of in-progress recordings
fixed OTA mpeg2 channels were not playing on phones/tablets with default settings. Player will now automatically switch to Software decoder
fixed Crashes on some Android 12 devices
improved Diagnostics for crashes and player issues

Version 4.1.3 (January 19th, 2022)

improved Crash diagnostics
fixed Timeline would not appear on some devices
fixed Crashes on FireOS 5

Version 4.1.2 (January 18th, 2022)

fixed Crashes on Android 12 devices

Version 4.1.1 (January 17th, 2022)

fixed Visual glitch on the Guide when program image was missing
fixed Crash when watching remotely
fixed Crashes on older FireOS devices

Version 4.1.0 (January 12th, 2022)

new Playback Speed options in the video player
new Clock on the guide
new Add Watch From Library prompt and setting
improved Support for Vorbis and FLAC audio
improved ATSC3 playback
fixed Remote access issues on Android 5.1 devices
fixed Captions could become distorted after PIP
fixed Channel surfing not working with virtual channels
fixed Recordings view not working on mobile

Version 4.0.1 (September 21st, 2021)

fixed Crash when deleting all episodes of a show
fixed Seeking was not working when streaming away from home
fixed Favorites and hidden import/export was not working when away from home
fixed Back button was not working reliably on Guide tab
improved Crash reporting
improved Advanced setting to repopulate kids section

Version 4.0.0 (September 15th, 2021)

new Enhanced Library Browsing helps browsing larger libraries
new Redesigned Show section lets you browse episodes by season
new Kids Section
new Kids Only mode
new Mark shows and movies as favorites
new Remote Shortcut for toggling closed captions
improved TV Show options are available to adjust within the app
improved Use the back button to get back to current time in Guide
improved Adaptive bitrate improvements for better remote streaming with high packet loss
improved Additional HLS stats on player stats view
fixed Some video content was failing to play with hardware decoding

Version 3.5.2 (July 12, 2021)

fixed Page up/down on the guide was losing focus
fixed Live TV rewind buffer was smaller than expected
fixed Various issues in the live TV video player
fixed Rare crashes

Version 3.5.1 (June 11, 2021)

fixed Playback was not working with some legacy HDHR models
fixed Memory usage and disk usage issues causing instability
fixed Occasional crashes when coming back to the video player

Version 3.5.0 (May 27, 2021)

new Signal notifications will alert you when your antenna signal or network is affecting video playback
new Kiosk Mode can be activated via DVR server's Client Settings
new Start Up settings let you customize what section or channel appears when the app is launched
new Auto Play next episodes
new Shuffle playback to play random episodes in a row for your show
new STATS FOR NERDS! View details of your video files and video playback on Android TV
new Play To support on Android phones and tablets lets you cast a channel or recording to Channels app on your TV
new Sleep Timer is available via the in-player options
improved Faster boot up of the app
improved Better performance on On Now and Library views
improved Rearrange favorites more quickly
improved Recordings with interruptions are marked in the library
fixed Recordings tab would sometimes not update after deleting a recording
fixed Movies and TV Shows views were not updating automatically
fixed Closed captions were garbled on some stations
fixed Search tab was not working on newer FireTV devices

Version 3.2.0 (April 27, 2021)

fixed Navigation on guide was not working reliably
fixed TV Shows tab would not always refresh automatically
fixed Recordings tab was not showing dates correctly
fixed Audio sync was off with Surround Sound enabled

Version 3.1.4 (March 29, 2021)

improved Use DVR server setting for Library Visibility to control which shows are for kids
fixed Guide would highlight yellow/red incorrectly in some cases
fixed Channel Number sort in the guide
fixed Focus issues in the Library
fixed Some shows recorded via XMLTV sources would disappear after episode delete

Version 3.1.3 (March 20, 2021)

improved Caching of guide and station images in case of internet outage
fixed Elevated crash rates

Version 3.1.2 (March 17, 2021)

fixed Some views would not automatically refresh to show new content
fixed Power button on the TiVo Stream 4K remote could cause video player to start
fixed Live button on remotes was not reliably switching back to last channel
fixed Playback issues with ATSC3 recordings

Version 3.1.1 (February 23, 2021)

new Stack Duplicates setting under Manage Sources lets you control how duplicates appear in the guide
improved Reduced buffering stalls when streaming live TV
improved Guide would not reflect proper scheduled/recording state in some cases
improved Failed recordings show on the Schedule for a few days

Version 3.1.0 (February 2, 2021)

new Keyboard shortcut 'p' will toggle PIP on Android TV
new Pick the currently playing channel on Guide or On Now again to fullscreen PIP window
new Use Remote Shortcut keys to toggle PIP
improved App performance and crash reporting
improved Better support for ATSC3 broadcasts and closed captions
fixed Movies view on mobile was not rendering correctly
fixed Channel surfing not working as expected after a Quick Guide channel change
fixed Playback issues with some imported mp4 files

Version 3.0.3 (December 1, 2020)

improved Better support for ATSC3 broadcasts

Version 3.0.2 (September 25, 2020)

fixed Streaming from local HDHR when connected to remote DVR
fixed Guide data was not loading on some older devices

Version 3.0.1 (September 11, 2020)

fixed Crash when trying to connect Away from Home
fixed Library would not refresh when shows are deleted
fixed Rare crashes

Version 3.0.0 (September 1, 2020)

new New customizable main navigation sidebar
new More optional sections for the main navigation
new View recordings as a list in the order they were recorded
new Option to Resume or Start from Beginning when resuming recording playback
new Refreshed welcome screen on initial app launch
new Manage the Trash right from Channels
new Allow Deletion setting can be used to hide trash buttons in the app
new Remote Shortcut settings let you map colored keys on your remote to sections of the app
new Channel Surfing setting can be customized to control channel up/down behavior
new Channels API for programmatic navigation
new Customized seek times for watching movies
new Airing Order setting can be customized to change episode display order
new TV Shows can be marked as favorite
improved Ability to sort movies by Top Rated
improved TV Show’s episodes are now listed grouped by season number
improved Search tab will now search recorded movies and shows
improved Search tab offers TV and movie suggestions
improved Alphabetical sort will now ignore A/The prefixes and lowercase/uppercase

Version 2.1.27 (August 26, 2020)

fixed Streaming from emulated HDHRs
fixed Crash in some cases when channel surfing
fixed Some imported movies would not play

Version 2.1.26 (August 17, 2020)

new Expanded guide data for non-DVR users
new Favorites and hidden channels can be configured separately per TV
improved Toggle mute and captions via Channels API or keyboard shortcuts
improved In-progress indicators shown on recordings
fixed Movies and shows with prefixed articles would not sort alphabetically correctly
fixed Channel surfing would not work reliably when multiple tuners were present
fixed Hidden channels were not ignored when tuning by channel number
fixed Some imported movies would not display closed captions

Version 2.1.25 (June 4, 2020)

fixed Crashes on some devices

Version 2.1.24 (June 3, 2020)

new PIN Auth flow for Android TV for connecting remotely
new Support for pause/resume/rewind voice commands with Alexa on FireTV devices
new Commercial Skip button is shown in the video player
improved Detect metered wifi hotspots and use Cellular streaming settings
fixed Some TVE channels could stop playing when switching to commercial
fixed Audio sync issues when using FireTV with wireless echo speakers
fixed Crashes and other reliability issues on the Nvidia SHIELD tube model
fixed Timeline and other views in the video player would not appear on the TiVo Stream 4K and the AirTV Player
fixed Excessive disk usage for caching when streaming remotely

Version 2.1.23 (April 17, 2020)

fixed Crash in the video player in some regions

Version 2.1.22 (April 16, 2020)

new Support for Android devices using Intel CPUs
improved Diagnostic submissions
improved Support for quirks in Android devices
fixed Crashes when playing video with transport errors

Version 2.1.21 (April 2, 2020)

improved Add software decoding option on Sony TV.
fixed Some devices could pause randomly for a split-second during live TV playback.
fixed Some imported movies would not play with any sound.

Version 2.1.20 (January 6, 2020)

fixed [DVR] Some channels were not properly merged in guide view

Version 2.1.19 (January 5, 2020)

improved Additional keys on remotes are handled
improved Better handling of remote viewing streams on slower connections
fixed Crashes when playing video with errors
fixed Streaming cache respects available disk space

Version 2.1.18 (November 22, 2019)

improved DRM channels from PRIME are hidden from guide.
fixed Crash on boot when using some older HDHR models.
fixed Stuttering during playback of some OTA feeds.
fixed [DVR] Away from Home would not appear on small phone screens.
fixed [DVR] Single recordings were not using default padding options.

Version 2.1.17 (November 6, 2019)

fixed Crash during startup on 32-bit devices.

Version 2.1.16 (November 5, 2019)

new Support for the new FireTV Cube 2.
improved Sort option for movies and shows are remembered separately.
fixed Rare crash when starting the app on some devices.

Version 2.1.15 (October 29, 2019)

new [DVR] Release Date added as a sort option for movies and shows.
new Added the ability to turn off analytics.
fixed Deleted recording would sometimes still appear in the app.
fixed Video was not playing on some Motorola phones.

Version 2.1.14 (October 10, 2019)

fixed MPEG2 channels were not playing on some devices.

Version 2.1.13 (October 9, 2019)

fixed Some UK recordings could freeze during playback on the FireTV Stick 4K

Version 2.1.12 (October 2, 2019)

fixed Crashes on FireTV when playing some standard-def channels with Software Decoder.
fixed App could crash during boot on some devices.

Version 2.1.11 (September 29, 2019)

new [DVR] Adaptive streaming adjusts quality based on internet speeds
new Lineup Order setting to sort guide by Channel Name.
new Stretch to Fit setting to control aspect ratio for 4x3 SD channels.
improved Updated video player libraries for latest bug fixes and performance improvements.
fixed Timeline would not move when seeking around live TV buffer.
fixed App could use a lot of disk space when watching recordings remotely.
fixed DVR schedule would sometimes not show full episode name or season/episode number.
fixed In-player guide would fail to update while watching live TV for a long time.
fixed Stuttering playback of mpeg2 channels on Nexus 9 devices.
fixed TVE sources would incorrectly show a Scan Channels button.
fixed Some TVE channels could freeze during playback.

Version 2.1.10 (July 29, 2019)

fixed Some channels would tune very slowly in Australia.
fixed Channels API would fail to switch channels if already playing video.
fixed Guide could glitch while scrolling up quickly.
fixed [DVR] Default pass settings were not imported from the DVR server.
fixed [DVR] Some recordings would fail to play remotely.

Version 2.1.8 (June 29, 2019)

new Stable HDHomeRun firmware.

Version 2.1.7 (June 19, 2019)

new Automatic commercial skipping

Version 2.1.6 (June 18, 2019)

fixed [DVR] Favorited channels could get lost when restarting the app.
fixed [DVR] Player could stop randomly when using Tuner Sharing.
fixed Various bugs and crashes.

Version 2.1.5 (April 23, 2019)

improved [DVR] Improved remote playback on slow/laggy WiFi networks
improved [DVR] Increased buffering for remote playback
improved Added latest HDHomeRun firmware updates

Version 2.1.4 (March 1, 2019)

fixed Rare crashes in the video player.
fixed Some crashes using legacy HDHR models.

Version 2.1.3 (February 19, 2019)

improved TalkBack support.
fixed DVR Recent list would not refresh automatically sometimes when returning to the app.
fixed Some crashes using HDHRs with outdated firmware versions.

Version 2.1.2 (January 25, 2019)

new Customize the channels shown in the in-player Quick Guide
improved Normalize volume levels when Surround Sound is off.
improved Player setting to switch to 50hz display mode on Fire Stick 4K.
fixed [DVR] Recent/Alphabetical sort option was not remembered when viewing all recorded shows.

Version 2.1.1 (November 20, 2018)

fixed Various crashes and bugs.

Version 2.1 (November 6, 2018)

new Support for Android phones and tablets.
fixed Player could randomly restart live tv stream when using legacy HDHR models.
fixed Various crashes.

Version 2.0.12 (October 8, 2018)

improved Larger buffer for Premium TV streams to avoid stalling.
improved [DVR] Run a speed test to your DVR server to troubleshoot network issues.
fixed [DVR] Connect to Channels DVR was not working on older FireTV devices.
fixed Various crashes.

Version 2.0.11 (October 5, 2018)

new Channels API endpoints to toggle pause and jump back to last channel.
improved [SHIELD] Added Software decoder option to Player settings for better video quality in some DVB markets.
improved [DVR] Connect to Channels DVR manually via IP if auto-discovery is not working.
improved [DVR] Show storage usage stats on the DVR settings tab.
fixed [DVR] App needed to be restarted if the DVR server's IP address changed.
fixed [DVR] Keep settings on Series Passes would show "All Recordings" twice.
fixed Manual HDHR discovery would not work on some home networks.
fixed 5.1 PCM audio output was not working in the UK.
fixed Several rare crashes in the video player.

Version 2.0.10 (September 28, 2018)

new Player setting to automatically switch to 50hz display mode on SHIELD in DVB regions.
new Jump to a channel on the Guide tab by entering its channel number on your remote numpad.
improved Double-click to jump to last channel or skip past commercials is more reliable.
fixed Oreo devices would fail to find DVR server quickly.
fixed Guide was not keeping fixed time position when moving up and down.
fixed Some UI elements were zoomed in on Philips 720p Android TV models.
fixed App would not automatically reconnect to remote DVR after restart.
fixed Remote DVR login was not working on some FireTV devices.
fixed Teletext menus were appearing on some Finish stations when captions were enabled.
fixed Unknown ClearQAM channels would not appear in the Guide.
fixed Rare crash on 32-bit ARM devices.

Version 2.0.9 (September 12, 2018)

fixed Guide tab could sometimes be empty when returning to the app.
fixed Player could freeze on some devices when the antenna signal was weak.
fixed Audio playback over Bluetooth could be choppy.
fixed Nexus Player Deinterlacer was not working correctly on HD broadcasts.
fixed [DVR] Some Premium TV recordings would playback with audio only.
fixed [DVR] Oreo home screen row for Up Next could show wrong season/episode numbers.
fixed Various rare crashes.

Version 2.0.8 (August 31, 2018)

new Support for HDHomeRun Premium TV.
new Upgrade your HDHomeRun firmware from the app.
improved Better UI performance on slower devices.
fixed Player could briefly use two tuners when switching channels.
fixed [DVR] Search was not working on some devices.
fixed [DVR] Playback could fail with Tuner Sharing enabled if DVR server was offline.
fixed Oreo home screen rows could stop updating after reboot or app upgrade.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 2.0.7 (August 15, 2018)

fixed Guide data could fail to refresh when returning to the app.
fixed Some stations could stutter or play in slow-motion when Surround Sound was enabled.
fixed Surround Sound passthrough could stop after commercial transitions on some stations.
fixed Rare crash when using beta HDHR firmware.

Version 2.0.6 (August 13, 2018)

fixed Timeline would not auto-hide after rw/ff.
fixed App could crash while rw/ff on some DVB stations.
fixed Crash when viewing details for some recorded episodes.
fixed Surround Sound was not working on some stations.

Version 2.0.5 (August 1, 2018)

improved Descriptive Video tracks are marked in the Language picker.
fixed Live TV would not rewind/fast-forward when DVR Tuner Sharing was enabled.
fixed Audio could stutter during playback.
fixed Guide programs were not aligned correctly on older devices.
fixed DVR Search tab would steal focus when selected.
fixed Video player could randomly flash green for certain DVB H264 broadcasts.
fixed Some views did not appear correctly on Philips Android TVs.
fixed Surround Sound was not working on FireTV 2nd generation.

Version 2.0.4 (July 26, 2018)

fixed Double click to skip commercial would not work on some remotes.
fixed Playback issues when Surround Sound was enabled.

Version 2.0.3 (July 24, 2018)

new Support for closed captions.
new Caption styles can be customized via Android TV Accessibility settings.

Version 2.0.2 (July 16, 2018)

improved Video player performance on Fire TV.
fixed Infrequent buffering issues when Surround Sound was enabled.

Version 2.0.1 (July 11, 2018)

improved Video player performance on Oreo.
improved Reduced memory usage.
fixed Home screen channels on Oreo were not working reliably.
fixed Support for newer Fire OS television sets.

Version 2.0.0 (June 26, 2018)

new Full support for Channels DVR
new Support for FireTV Cube.
new [DVR] Search for shows and create Series/Team passes
new [DVR] Schedule recordings directly from the guide
new [DVR] Find recorded movies and shows via global voice search on Android TV.
new Support for home screen Channels on Android Oreo.
fixed Audio could lose sync after pause/resume on SHIELD with Surround Sound enabled.
fixed Music Choice channels would take several seconds to start playing.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 1.0.23 (May 7, 2018)

new DVR Tuner Sharing lets multiple clients watching the same channel share a single tuner.
new Home Streaming Quality setting allows DVR to transcode live TV and recordings.
improved Surround Sound support on Gen2 FireTV and FireTV Stick.
fixed Some channels could randomly fail to play.

Version 1.0.22 (May 5, 2018)

fixed Player could fail to play some channels.

Version 1.0.21 (May 3, 2018)

improved Faster tuning of live streams.
fixed Music Choice channels would keep buffering during playback.

Version 1.0.20 (May 2, 2018)

improved Smoother playback of live TV.
fixed Stuttering issues on some devices.
fixed Crashes when starting playback on some devices.
fixed Back button would sometimes not work in the player.
fixed Some episodes could have overlapping text in the Schedule.

Version 1.0.19 (April 16, 2018)

new Support for DVB subtitles.
improved Double-click Play/Pause button on supported remotes to jump back to last channel.
fixed Music Choice cable channels would keep pausing during playback.
fixed Some devices like MiBox3 would drop frames with Surround Sound enabled.
fixed Some recordings could fail to seek correctly.
fixed Rare crash during playback.

Version 1.0.18 (April 13, 2018)

fixed Add Tuner Manually dialog would sometimes not allow entering IP address.

Version 1.0.17 (April 9, 2018)

improved Video playback could stall or stutter with Surround Sound enabled on some channels.
improved Deinterlacing on the Nexus Player.

Version 1.0.16 (April 6, 2018)

improved Video could stall during playback on some devices.

Version 1.0.15 (April 3, 2018)

new Support for Dolby Digital passthrough on older Android devices. To enable it, turn on Surround Sound in the Player Settings.

Version 1.0.14 (April 2, 2018)

improved Audio/video sync.
improved Support for bluetooth speakers.

Version 1.0.13 (March 27, 2018)

improved Support for bluetooth speakers.
improved Normalized volume to match other apps when Surround Sound is off.
fixed In rare cases, video could start pixelating during playback.

Version 1.0.12 (March 21, 2018)

improved Faster tuning on some DVB UK channels.
improved Show progress bars on partially watched Up Next shows.

Version 1.0.11 (March 20, 2018)

fixed Back button would leave the player after a playback error

Version 1.0.10 (March 19, 2018)

fixed Video player could crash or hang on some UK H264 channels.

Version 1.0.9 (March 18, 2018)

fixed Some rare bugs.

Version 1.0.8 (March 17, 2018)

fixed Crash while watching HD UK channels on FireTV.

Version 1.0.7 (March 16, 2018)

new Guide tab shows 21 days of data for DVR users.
improved Guide and On Now tabs highlight scheduled and recording programs.
improved Audio/video sync on FireTV.
fixed Player could try to use a disabled channel for playback.
fixed Time is displayed correct in 24-hour mode.
fixed Some rare bugs and crashes.

Version 1.0.6 (March 8, 2018)

fixed Playback could sometimes stall when Surround Sound was enabled.
fixed DPAD could not be used to move from the Guide tab to the navigation menu.

Version 1.0.5 (March 7, 2018)

new HTTP API to control Channels and integrate with home automation. Learn more at
new Use Channels for iOS to play to your Android TV.
improved Player menu will display episode details when watching a recording.
improved Much faster tuning of DVB channels in the UK.

Version 1.0.4 (March 6, 2018)

new Surround Sound setting enables passthrough on the NVidia SHIELD.
new Browse and watch your Channels DVR recordings.
fixed Crashes when connecting to HDHR with older firmware.

Version 1.0.3 (February 15, 2018)

improved Tuning time is now twice as fast.
fixed Guide tab would sometimes fail to refresh after turning TV back on.
fixed Player could sometimes start buffering during playback.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 1.0.2 (February 12, 2018)

new Initial support for legacy HDHomeRuns.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 1.0.1 (February 9, 2018)

improved DVB channels in the UK tune much faster.
fixed Timeline could sometimes stay visible after changing channels.
fixed Rare crash when tuning into H264 channels on the FireTV.
fixed Video could stall during playback of interlaced H264 channels on the SHIELD.
fixed App could stop responding after leaving the video player.

Version 1.0.0 (February 6, 2018)

new The app!

More about Channels

Channels is the best way to watch and record all of your favorite shows. Watching live TV with a familiar guide, record your favorite shows, and stream everything while away from home.

Learn more about Channels