Support Articles

Theater Mode

Available on tvOS and iOS

Kick start your Movie night with a couple of trailers and a feature presentation pre-roll with Theater Mode.

Theater Mode is a fun way to watch movies. When enabled and configured, watching a movie will start with a couple of trailers, and then play a feature presentation video, before starting your movie.

There’s multiple ways to configure Theater Mode, so you should be able to tune it to work just the way you want.


Theater mode shows both trailers and a pre-roll before your movie starts. Here are some options to configure them to your liking.

Visit Settings > Playback > Theater Mode in the Channels app to enable and configure it.

Protip: Use Server Side Settings to enable Theater Mode on just the devices you want.


Choose how many trailers to play before your movie starts. You can choose between 1 and 3 trailers.

Choose what kind of trailers are chosen from your library.

  • New Releases - Picks trailers from the newest movies in your library.
  • Recently Added - Picks trailers from the most recently added movies in your library.
  • Similar Genre - Picks trailers from movies in the same genre as the movie you’re about to watch.
  • Simlar Era - Picks trailers from movies in the same decade as the movie you’re about to watch.

Pre-Roll Group

Once your trailers are done playing, Channels can play a pre-roll video before your movie starts.

Simply choose a Video Group from your library for this setting and Channels will always pick a random video from that Video Group to play.

Protip: Want the same pre-roll video to play every time? Create a Video Group with just a single video in it and use it.

Skip Theater Mode

Don’t feel like sitting through Theater Mode? Just press the Play button on your remote to select the Watch button instead of the Select button, and Theater Mode will be skipped.