Channels for iPhone & iPad

Everything Channels has to offer, on the go.

Release Notes

Version 6.1.2 (October 11th, 2024)

fixed iPad app was not able to run on macOS

Version 6.1.1 (October 10th, 2024)

new Added pre-made App Shortcuts for common tasks and Siri voice integration
new Auto Play option of Play Next Without Prompt will play the next item cleanly without any UI showing.

Version 6.1.0 (October 9th, 2024)

new iOS 18 support
new Support for iPhones 16
new Light/Dark/Tinted icon support
new Control Actions for Search, Watch Channel, Open Section, Open Channels
new Channels now requires a minimum of iOS version 16.6
improved Modernized Siri Shortcut actions with new titles and groupings
fixed Rare crash due to malformed data from Custom Channels
fixed Playhead was not being positioned correctly for STRM files
fixed Shuffling items were not forcing auto play and were using system settings
fixed In Library badges were showing incorrectly in On Later list layout
fixed Some On Later sections were being grouped by date when they should not have been
fixed List layouts were artificially limiting the amount of content they were showing
fixed Trash button was still showing in Recent Recordings despite the setting
fixed Video player was mysteriously being dismissed shortly after starting playback

Version 6.0.1 (September 13th, 2024)

fixed Rare crash

Version 6.0.0 (September 11th, 2024)

new Personal Sections
new Theater Mode
new Navigation sidebar is now available on iPhone and iPad
improved All new and more reliable PIP implementation for iOS
improved More use of list layouts when expanding into certain content with More links
improved Durations are listed in a "1 hr 26 min" format across the app instead of "86 mins"
improved Recording playback now displays with timecode instead of minutes
improved Video Groups can now be included in Up Next
improved Playlist items can now be sorted alphabetically
improved Remove a show or video group right from Up Next via its context menu
improved Shuffle & Random properly respect Auto Play settings and no longer auto resume
improved Auto Play and Resume settings are respected when playing content via Channels API, Shortcuts,or Deep Links
improved Search is now available in Start Up, Remote Shortcuts, Channels API, and Deep Links
improved Performance improvements of large libraries
improved Guide now notices when channels and devices have been added and removed via the server
improved Sidebar navigation items are now limited to a maximum of 15 items
improved Virtual Channel playback & guide updates
fixed Schedule section was not updating correctly when accessed through the Sidebar
fixed Guide no longer resets to "All Channels" on app start
fixed Loader would not disappear from the Guide view on iOS
fixed The filter bar on some views was incorrectly showing on iPhone
fixed Focus was getting lost sometimes when deep into a navigation stack
fixed Tapping images to see them larger on mobile was not framing the images correctly
fixed Guide data would be disrupted when switching between DVRs in rare cases

Version 5.9.1 (May 25th, 2024)

new Support for Deep Links
fixed Memory leak
fixed Unusual crash

Version 5.9.0 (May 7th, 2024)

new The Library section has been renamed to Home and moved to top of the sidebar navigation on tvOS
new Library movies now show quality ratings
new Optionally disable the iOS/iPadOS seek gestures (swipe left/right)
improved Jump to Last Channel setting is now available and respected on iOS/iPadOS
improved Better Popularity sorting for movies
improved Remote streaming algorithm to reduce buffering pauses on highly variable connections
improved Performance after app has been running for long periods of time
improved Background performance for large libraries while video player is active
fixed Video player was occasionally dropping frames if the app was opened for too long.
fixed Playing a recording to tvOS from iOS while watching live TV was not consistently working.
fixed Playlists was not an available section in the Show Section Siri actions
fixed Videos were not launching correctly via the Show Section Siri actions
fixed Video player went blank when launching playback of a Show or Playlist or Collection via the Siri actions
fixed Sidebar would some times get stuck hidden when using button shortcuts or Start Up sections
fixed TV Shows were not sorted alphabetically when shown in a Siri action for picking one.
fixed When experiencing many timeouts the adaptive bitrate handling could sometimes not lower the bitrate when it should
fixed Legacy audio driver could fail on older iOS/tvOS versions

Version 5.8.2 (April 10th, 2024)

new Recorded movies now have movie trailers
new Movies in your library will now be badged as such when viewed in On Later, search results, or from the Guide.
new Native speed test for tvOS and iOS for testing speeds from your client to your Channels DVR Server
new Upgraded Default audio driver supports AirPlay, AirPods, Spatial Audio, Atmos and HomePods
improved Consistently sort movies and collections in various views.
improved Performance with a large library
improved Provide better error message when device runs out of disk space while watching Live TV
improved UI responsiveness when watching OTA Live TV in Europe
improved Video playback codec support
improved Handling of timeouts while streaming remotely
fixed Virtual channels would not play the correct recording when the recordings were unmatched
fixed Start Up sections were not presenting if the app exited while navigated deep into other sections.
fixed Some corner badges were showing blank for shows
fixed Library Collections under TV Shows were not being sorted Alphabetically
fixed Some sort properties were wrong on Library Collections
fixed Recorded movies were being sorted incorrectly when sorted by Date Released
fixed Library Collection image URLs could be malformed after managing the collection on the client
fixed Rare crasher when deleting recordings from the TV show view
fixed Rare crasher when trashing all items of a TV show

Version 5.8.1 (February 11th, 2024)

fixed Playback would fail on older releases of tvOS and iOS when the Hardware Deinterlacer was selected
fixed Movie posters were showing with the wrong aspect in On Now

Version 5.8.0 (February 10th, 2024)

new Playlists. Create and manage your own lists of episodes, videos, and movies.
new Completely overhauled context menus across the entire app for exploring and managing all of your content.
new Apple TV app now uses native context menus for an incredibly improved experience.
new Manage Library Collections entirely in the app: Create a new Collction, add content to a Collection, remove content from a Collection, delete a Collection.
new Recently Watched channels. View your recently watched channels as its own native channel collection. Turn it on in Settings > General > Live TV
new Optionally show the last 3 recent channels in the Quick Guide - Settings > General > Live TV > Show Recent Channels in Quick Guide
new TV Shows and Video Groups now have an Auto Play setting to set their own Auto Play style.
new On Later, guide search results, and guide modals now indicate if the movie or tv show is already in your library.
new Movies scheduled to record are indicated when viewing them in On Later.
new Future airings in search results are indicated if they are already in your library.
new Optionally use the Thumbnail for TV Show episodes and Video Group videos when displayed in Virtual Channels. This can be set globally or per TV Show or Video Group.
new Siri Shortcut action for Search. Provide text and Channels will open directly to search results for that text.
new webp image uploads now work in the client
new Setting on iOS to force playback to start in landscape. Useful for those that keep Orientation Lock on.
new Channels is now available on Apple Vision Pro and visionOS via iPad compatability mode.
improved All sections are now available from the Start Up setting and Siri Shortcut action.
improved All Movies and All Shows filter views now use menus for picking filters.
improved More improved and consistent icons across the app.
improved Guide will update automatically when sources are added/removed or priority is changed on the server.
improved Show download tab when offline if there are partial downloads but no completed ones.
improved Automatically retry downloads that have timed out.
improved Allow for pressing Play to restart the stream when an error is displayed after playing a recording.
improved Channels that are not in a subscription but aren’t properly handled by the HDHomeRun will now be reported as "Not Subscribed".
improved Allow partially downloaded recordings to be played in more situations.
improved Diagnostic logging around thermal state.
improved Make error messages more accurate and descriptive when playing a very corrupted (unwatchable) recording
improved Error messages when streaming remotely now have more detail beyond "Transcoder Reset", now including HDHR errors like "Tuner Unreachable", "All Tuners In Use" and M3U errors like "Stream Limit Reached".
improved Error messages when playing Live TV at home will have more informative messages.
improved Small error message improvements.
fixed PIP button would randomly recieve focus keeping the timeline visible.
fixed Audio would sometimes distort on the default audio driver when using Siri or receiving notifications.
fixed TV Episodes were leaking into Recently Watched, News, and Sports sections when AllowList and BlockList were employed.
fixed Hidden content was showing up in search results.
fixed Seek icons were sometimes missing.
fixed Skip Commercials and Start From Beginning buttons were dismissing weird.
fixed Seeking was not always using the correct seek times from settings.
fixed The Sidebar was showing whenever the app opened directly to Recent Recordings or Playlists.
fixed Start from Beginning button was not showing on iOS.
fixed Guide and On Now would scroll to the last watched channel on a fresh boot.
fixed When switching back to Guide or On Now, focus would scroll back to the last watched channel even after having scrolled through channels since watching.
fixed Some movies were being sorted wrong.
fixed Scheduled Recordings, Your Passes, and Trash counts in Settings were not always updated appropriately.
fixed Up Next would not always get updated.
fixed Guide & On Now could sometimes rapidly scroll up and then back down when resuming from background or adjusting Channel Collections.
fixed Default option for Start Up channel was not playing the last watched channel when the app started fresh.
fixed Shows would sometimes show negative numbers for unwatched count.
fixed Sometimes the guide would not be refreshed after watching Live TV for some period of time
fixed The player could stop abruptly in the middle of a recording when streaming via HLS
fixed Rare case where the app was trying to present the Start Up section before the app was ready to be used.
fixed Seeking forward when using HLS with limited available disk space could cause playback of a recording to be prematurely ended
fixed Unusual issue that could cause the guide to not refresh when the app came back from the background
fixed Unusual crash that could happen when reconnecting to DVR
fixed Unusual crash during normal operation
fixed Unusual situation when using HLS with low disk space that could cause video to prematurely stop
removed Auto Play Videos setting has been removed. TV Shows and Video Groups now have their own individual Auto Play setting.
removed Embedded Tailscale client - Use the System Tailscale client for better reliability and performance.

Version 5.7.5 (October 4, 2023)

improved ATSC3 tuning speed
fixed On Now would sometimes show the wrong logos
fixed Sports Seek Timeline setting was not toggling correctly

Version 5.7.4 (September 30, 2023)

improved Compatibility with iOS/tvOS 17
improved Better support for Siri Shortcuts
fixed Some AVI videos would not play

Version 5.7.3 (September 19, 2023)

fixed Episodes would not open in Callsheet correctly
fixed Sort type was breaking for some collections when adding/removing items

Version 5.7.1 (September 15, 2023)

fixed A random crasher in News & Sports section settings

Version 5.7.0 (September 14, 2023)

new Added a dedicated Sports Section. Turn on in Settings > Library.
new Added a dedicated News Section. Turn on in Settings > Library.
new Updated pass editor that also supports manually entering a channel number
new Optionally set the commercial skip style on a show by show basis. Use the setting for the show under Show Options.
new Optionally automatically show captions for shows. Use the setting for the show under Show Options.
improved All movies, TV shows, and Episodes are now eligible for opening in Callsheet now no matter which indexer was used.
improved A focused PIP button no longer keeps the timeline showing forever
improved ATSC 3 audio fixes
improved Speed up persistence of DVB EPG data to prevent UI hangs
improved Better notifications and errors when remote streaming encounters a lot of timeouts (often due to trying to stream Original quality over Cellular)
improved Handling when experiencing signal issues when watching at home
fixed iPhone lock screen remote will now disable the scrubber when watching Live TV
fixed Various bug fixes
fixed Explore Show buttons were missing their icon
fixed Spoiler Free mode was being disabled if Allow Recording was set server side
fixed Rare issue where seeking forward would jump back a large amount due to issues in encoders
fixed Unusual crash when a guide filter returns no channels
fixed Unusual crash that can happen when parsing DVB guide data
fixed Memory leak related to DVB EPG
fixed Audio track selection for ATSC3 channels was sometimes wrong

Version 5.6.7 (August 9, 2023)

fixed Crash that could happen during discovery
fixed Audio issues that could happen with ATSC3 broadcasts

Version 5.6.6 (August 8, 2023)

improved Playback Speed is now available for Live TV and in-progress recordings
improved Remote DVR is able to be used on a network with another Channels DVR Server running on it
improved Improvements to ATSC3 audio handling
improved Speed ups for ATSC3 tuning
improved Reduce stuttering that could happen during playback
improved Reduced network traffic for initial connection to DVR for faster startup times
improved The last connected bonjour discovered host will be forgotten when clearing a manually selected DVR entry
improved Internal diagnostics
fixed Movies were not showing in Recordings
fixed Watch button was being initially focused on the Shows view rather than the first recording
fixed Duration was incorrect when viewing a recording in the Trash
fixed Label filtering was not working
fixed Some channels would not show under Manage Sources after being hidden
fixed Some channels could not be unhidden after hiding them in Manage Sources
fixed Schedule view could crash if there were multiple jobs with the same Airing attached.
fixed Crash that could happen when hitting play
fixed When beta Tailscale integration is enabled, discovery will wait for Tailscale to connect before attempting to connect to the DVR
fixed Connections made over beta Tailscale integration could have trouble reconnecting after the app was in the background
fixed DVR updates were not being received when connecting over beta Tailscale integration
fixed Reconnection to DVRs connected via beta Tailscale integration is now reliable

Version 5.6.5 (June 14, 2023)

new YouTube URLs are now supported for Trailer URLs for movies
improved Better support for .strm imports with missing metadata
improved Updated image loading and caching backend
improved Movie posters are now fully visible in On Now
improved TV shows with non-standard art sizes are now displayed better
improved Switching between multiple At Home DVR servers is now simpler
improved Major changes to all views that list items vertically
improved Movies, TV Shows, and Collections without art now have a titled placeholder instead of the logo placeholder
improved Trailer buttons are now available on mobile
improved Fix UI hitches that can happen when remote streaming Live TV with a large buffer
fixed Movie extras and trailers were not playing back remotely appropriately
fixed Away From Home would sometimes connect to the last used manual or locally discovered DVR instead of the correct remote DVR
fixed Guide was using AM/PM when 24 hour time was used

Version 5.6.3 (May 19, 2023)

new Support for stream links for live Custom Channels
improved Performance with large numbers of recordings
improved UI performance of viewing guide
improved Error messages when tuning fails and live TV streams disconnect
fixed Server Side Sources and Inherit Source Priority settings were not working reliably

Version 5.6.2 (April 22, 2023)

improved Performance improvements for large libraries
improved UI performance when using HLS
improved Performance optimizations for non-DVR uses
improved Performance of guide viewing
improved Performance improvements when connecting to a remote DVR
fixed Server side source ordering was not working properly
fixed New recordings would not always be shown in the show listing when coming back from the background
fixed Momentary display of incorrect error message when searching
fixed ATSC3 slow tuning issues
fixed PIP window gets bumped up on video player due to timeline
fixed Unusual crashes

Version 5.6.1 (March 14, 2023)

fixed Seeking could cause playback to restart with certain recordings when Home Streaming is enabled
improved Small performance improvement

Version 5.6.0 (March 5, 2023)

new Downloading now works over cellular data. Use Settings to enable it.
new Downloads can now optionally use lower qualities to save space. Use Settings to adjust it.
new Optionally force video delivery to use Streaming (HLS) or Direct (default) when using original quality
new Spoiler Free mode: Hide episode images while browsing so that they do not spoil anything
improved Performance of UI with large libraries
improved UI performance across the app, including when downloads are downloading
improved Error message when HDHR disconnects due to signal issues
fixed Downloaded watched items would not start from the beginning when played again while device was offline
fixed Virtual channels could start at the wrong place if episode/movie had been previously partially watched
fixed Don't display an error when specifying a URL with a trailing slash At Home
fixed Laggy issues when using HDHR guide data
fixed Guide view would sometimes have missing show blocks in the middle

Version 5.5.11 (January 19, 2023)

improved PIP on iOS now properly pauses and unpauses when other system video playback interrupts it
improved Seeking behavior with wireless speakers when using default audio driver
improved Error message when remote stream fails
fixed Crash that could happen when watching OTA with reception issues
fixed Original quality playback will now work over cellular for DVRs without a transcoder available
fixed Subtitles were not playing for some mp4 imports using mov_text
fixed Crash when enabling View Stats during stream load
fixed Guide would sometimes not load properly when re-opening app

Version 5.5.10 (December 11, 2022)

improved Update the recording progress when viewing a list of episodes
fixed Crasher when deleting recordings
fixed Crash that could happen when finishing watching video while using Experimental audio driver
fixed Crash that can happen with corrupted video
updated Internal dependencies

Version 5.5.9 (November 28, 2022)

new Setting to disable recording features
improved Major US Sport Leagues will now group their recordings by day
improved Better utilization of bandwidth while streaming can lead to better quality
improved Audio that was interrupted by another app while watching in PIP will be restored when leaving PIP or pressing play
improved Better cache handling of streaming large files over HLS
fixed Some icons were not showing up in some views
fixed Long delay that could happen after exiting from Live TV depending on the size of the buffer
fixed Unusual crash that can happen when watching Virtual Channels
fixed Remote viewing crash that could happen when watching some imported content
fixed Crash that could happen when managing passes
fixed Crash that could happen after running Test Surround Sound
fixed Crash that could happen when viewing streaming settings

Version 5.5.8 (November 12, 2022)

new Support added for custom thumbnails on Recordings and Videos
improved Responsiveness of scrolling to the future on the guide by reducing memory usage
improved When a DVR has limited available sources for a client, the client will still be able to use local HDHomeRun devices that aren’t registered to the DVR
fixed Switching filters on the guide could sometimes not update guide data
fixed Crash that could happen when deleting recordings
fixed Sometimes the show description in the guide view would display the wrong show when scrolling quickly
fixed Top Shelf’s Up Next wasn’t respecting label block/allow lists
fixed Various infrequent crashes

Version 5.5.7 (October 28, 2022)

fixed Some TV shows set to Watch Newest First were not displaying all of their recordings.

Version 5.5.6 (October 25, 2022)

new App now requires a minimum of iOS 15
new Channels for iPhone/iPad will automatically go into PIP mode when task switching while watching a video
new Support for Server Side Setting of Source availability
new Support for keywords for Automatic Channels in Channel Collections
improved Playback over unstable connections like Starlink
improved Handling of downloading in-progress recordings
improved Experimental audio driver workarounds to reduce HomePod playback glitches
improved iPad app on Apple Silicon Mac
fixed Player controls were not working when using an external screen
fixed Remote streaming of Live TV could prematurely end with error when switching bitrates
fixed Seeking would hang when watching MKV recordings at Original quality while remote
fixed After using PIP, the Now Playing in Control Center would stop working
fixed Channels managing was missing from iOS channel context menu (Add to Favorites, Hide Channel)
fixed Crash when deleting recordings
fixed Prevent display of confusing "context canceled" error message

Version 5.5.5 (October 1, 2022)

improved DVR app has permissions to read device name again
improved Performance and responsiveness
fixed Empty Match Content settings removed

Version 5.5.4 (September 29, 2022)

fixed Connecting to DVR servers using their Tailscale IPs was not working in some cases
fixed Re-selecting virtual channel was not popping out of PIP mode
fixed Player will switch to Linear deinterlacing automatically when entering PIP to avoid broken playback on interlaced channels
fixed Starting stream while away from home could lag for several seconds while previous caches were being deleted
fixed Several crashes

Version 5.5.3 (September 17, 2022)

improved Support for iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max
improved Better handling of timeline while in audio only mode
improved Better handling of Start From Beginning button
fixed Search was broken when editing your query

Version 5.5.2 (September 16, 2022)

fixed Some channels were causing framedrops

Version 5.5.0 (September 14, 2022)

new New options to define what happens when you tune into a Virtual Channel: Start Live, Start From Beginning, Ask, or the new inline Start From Beginning -utton
new New resume option for resuming recordings: In Player Prompt - This will auto resume your recording, with a button then offering you the ability to start from the beginning.
new Settings added to decide if the Timeline should show when seeking. Set it specifically for Movies, Sports, and everything else.
new Future Virtual Channel airings on the Guide now offer a Watch button which tunes into the channel starting at that point.
new Rename what the client is displayed as. Edit the name in the app or in your Channels DVR Server web admin. Settings > General > Display Name
new Added Recently Watched to the All TV Shows view
new Watch > Random - Channels will choose a random episode of a show and play continuously in order
new Refresh Metadata option available for recordings/movies in context menu
new Hide or allow specific movies or TV shows by labels from the server
new Hardware is now the default mode under Settings > Playback > Advanced > Deinterlacing Mode
new The experimental video driver is now the default. The previous default has been renamed to Legacy.
improved Virtual Channel will advance to next episode when fast-forwarding past the end of the current airing
improved The Quick Guide will match the currently playing airing when the channel has been timeshifted
improved When switching playback speed, the current setting is focused by default and checked
improved Virtual channels will not cause the timeline to appear when switching to next airing
improved Pressing play when playback has failed while watching Live TV causes the connection to be re-established
improved Player controls no longer appear when seeking with the keyboard on an iPad
improved API for channel up/down will now page up/down on the guide, to allow custom API based remote controls to function the same way as bluetooth and IR remotes
improved WMV/WMA audio/video codecs
fixed Duration was not showing for Movies
fixed On Later would not render correctly randomly
fixed Videos were showing in the Enhanced Browsing TV section under Recently Watched and Recently Aired
fixed In-progress recordings were able to be played faster than 1x
fixed Scrubbing towards end of episode would be interrupted by Watch Next button
fixed Player controls could not be immediately dismissed after seeking
fixed Screensaver would never appear after player errored out
fixed Movie details could sometimes be incorrect
fixed When watching a virtual channel, the Quick Guide and timeline had the wrong information about when the next airing would start
fixed DVR library would fail to load if invalid strm files were present
fixed Imported .strm playback was not showing duration in player timeline

Version 5.4.2 (August 5, 2022)

new View MPAA and TV ratings, and browse movies by rating in Enhanced Libary mode
new Added settings for matching content when playing trailers, Movie Virtual Channels, and TV Virtual Channels
new Jump to the previous recording from a Recording's context menu
new Option to play back channels and recordings as Audio Only. Use the context menus for content to use the Audio Only feature.
new Menu item in Downloads to manage and explore downloaded shows
improved Timeline works better with video Extras like trailers
improved Error messages when remote streaming fails
improved Adaptive Bitrate algorithm for Remote Streaming has been updated for less buffering and higher quality
improved Remote streaming reliability when pausing for a long time or disk space is low
improved Support for Opus audio
fixed Last image from previously playback session is no longer showed when starting playback
fixed Seeking multiple times when watching remotely would sometimes jump backward

Version 5.4.1 (May 1, 2022)

improved Remote streaming over congested networks
fixed Use optimal connection type when VPN is enabled over Cellular
fixed Watching Live TV remotely could fail with an error after watching for over an hour on an unstable network connection
fixed Flash of red sometimes shown when switching sections

Version 5.4.0 (April 12, 2022)

new Download your movies and TV shows directly to your device and watch offline
improved compatibility with ATSC 3
improved Remote streaming behavior with an unstable connection
fixed Remote playback would not use adaptive bitrate for Live TV on first playback after app launch
fixed Memory leak causing app to crash during playback
fixed Infrequent crash when leaving app when subtitles are on
fixed Other random crashers

Version 5.3.1 (April 1, 2022)

improved Major stability improvements

Version 5.3.0 (March 23, 2022)

new Import home movies, concerts, or other video types right next to your Movies and TV Shows with the new Videos section
new Set a TV Show's Playback Speed to watch it at that speed every time
new Mark episodes as favorites
improved Search now uses the modern server side search for library results
improved Search now presents episode results from your library
improved Use - instead of . when entering OTA channel numbers with sofabaton remote
improved Improved presentation of Custom Channels
fixed Last channel watched was not being focused in Guide
fixed Arrow keys were not working for seeking in iOS
fixed On Later for a channel would randomly appear empty on iOS
fixed Tapping virtual channel logo on the guide was showing - On Later view
fixed Force touch channel logo on the guide was not showing context menu
fixed Player stall on some PRIME cable - recordings when skipping commercials

Version 5.2.4 (February 17th, 2022)

new Add Library Collections to the sidebar
improved Show error message on screen when a recording fails to play
improved Guide data from some XMLTV sources would incorrectly show today's date on every program
fixed On Later on iPhone would sometimes appear empty
fixed Force touch context menu was not working on channel logos in the Guide
fixed Playback stall issue after commercial skip when using Experimental audio driver
fixed Recordings view on iPhone would show Live/New next to every single recording
fixed Some rare crashes in the app

Version 5.2.3 (February 8th, 2022)

new Browse the Winter Olympics in On Later
improved Diagnostics
fixed Player stall going into commercials on some cable (HDHomeRun PRIME) feeds

Version 5.2.2 (February 1st, 2022)

fixed Auto Play was not automatically playing the next episode correctly.

Version 5.2.1 (January 14th, 2022)

new Support for new Channel Collections rules to bring in channels automatically to your Channel Collections
new Images can be tapped to zoom them
new Setting to turn off "Watch from your library?" prompt
new Setting for Auto Play. You can now hide the card that shows at the end of the episode if you have Auto Play turned off.
new Settings to disable buffer protection and to set the duration before you are warned
improved Improved HDR support
improved Remote streaming improvements
improved Stats display now shows HDHomeRun connection info
improved Better animations when rotating device
fixed Guide data was not updating in some scenarios
fixed Playback issues related to certain UK freeview transmitters
fixed PIP now available for all video drivers

Version 5.1.1 (November 30th, 2021)

new Support for Spatial Audio with AirPods in the Experimental audio driver
improved Better audio sync and responsiveness with AirPlay speakers
improved Video stuttering and frame drop issues in the Experimental video driver. 4K 60fps recordings are now fully supported
improved Closed caption rendering performance
fixed Audio would blip when coming back from the Control Center
fixed Playback was not pausing when a phone call came in on iOS
fixed Battery drain issues on iOS
fixed Various rare crashes to improve overall stability

Version 5.1.0 (November 2nd, 2021)

new Airings show progress bars in On Now, Guide, and Quick Guide to see - how much time is left in the show
new Added setting to show the channel logo when watching a Virtual - Channel
improved Playhead movement when seeking is more consistent
improved Stats for video player updated to include tuner stats
improved Minor formatting improvements to player stats
improved Connecting to the DVR over VPN on cellular is now treated as - Cellular Streaming instead of Home Streaming when selecting bitrates for - playback
fixed Screen would go to sleep or bring up the screen saver while - watching video
fixed Watch button was missing for Virtual Channels
fixed Resolved rare crashes when watching TVE sources
fixed Show Section on Other Device Siri action was allowing you to - leave the section blank
fixed Some sources were hidden in rare cases


5.0.1 October 26th, 2021
new Local Content - Import your own movies, TV shows, and recordings from previous DVRs.
new Library Collections - Curate your own groups of movies or TV shows with Library Collections.
new Virtual Channels - Turn content from your own library into your own personal live TV channels.
new On Later - Find things to record by browsing upcoming shows, movies, and sports with a simple interface.
new Siri Shortcuts - Shortcut actions that let you build powerful Siri Shortcuts.
new Redesigned search
new Off option for Resume Playback. This option will always start recordings from the beginning.
new Holding the watch button for a movie or episode will reveal alternative versions to play if you have duplicates in your library
new New menu when holding a channel logo in the Guide on iOS - Watch, Play To, Add to Favorites, Hide Channel
improved Forced subtitle tracks are automatically chosen and displayed
improved Video and audio quality info are now shown when watching live TV: IE, HD, Dolby Digital, Stereo, etc
improved Options button on iOS player now uses a modern menu rather than an Action Sheet
improved Additional HLS stats on player stats view
improved Added max cache size to player stats view
improved Verify Commercials title in menus on iOS will be Reverify Commercials if they have already been verified
fixed Sleep timer selection was not being respected
fixed Picking subtitle tracks was not working
fixed A ton of bug and ui fixes

Version 4.5.11 (September 22nd, 2021)

fixed Resolves some recently new random crashes

Version 4.5.10 (September 15th, 2021)

improved Optimized HLS seeking and caching

Version 4.5.9 (September 9th, 2021)

improved Holding the Watch button on will prompt with a list if your library contains multiple versions of the content
improved Adaptive bitrate improvements for better remote streaming with high packet loss
improved Additional HLS stats on player stats view

Version 4.5.8 (July 22nd, 2021)

new Set playback speed in the player
improved Better recovery from decoding failures on some encoded imported movies
improved Remote streaming disk cache is cleaned up more quickly when returning home
fixed Issues when pausing live TV for a long time
fixed Watch from Library dialog would show up sometimes when trying to watch a recording
fixed Rare crashes

Version 4.5.7 (June 24th, 2021)

improved Experimental video driver improvements reducing some random judder
fixed Play To was not working with Android TV for some channels
fixed Experimental deinterlacer was crashing immediately on some older iPhone/iPad devices

Version 4.5.4 (May 20th, 2021)

improved Live TV streaming backend
fixed Closed captions were garbled on some channels
fixed Season/episode information was not appearing in DVR Schedule

Version 4.5.3 (May 4th, 2021)

fixed Player could turn green and stop working with Experimental deinterlacing enabled
fixed Channel surfing was leaving video streams open in some cases
fixed Recordings could be deleted in some cases even with Allow Deletes turned off
fixed Closed captions were not working on some channels

Version 4.5.2 (April 28th, 2021)

fixed Small bugs

Version 4.5.1 (April 16th, 2021)

fixed Wrong audio track was playing in some OTA regions
fixed Rare crashes

Version 4.5.0 (March 30th, 2021)

new Channel Collections: Curate your own custom sets of channels and replace the old filters in On Now and Guide. Easily manage them for each device via Channels DVR Server.
new Server Side Settings: Adjust the settings for all of your devices in one place via Channels DVR Server.
new Kids Only Mode: Set Channels to only show content you have approved for kids using library visibility.
new Hide Guide Filters: Optionally hide the channel filters found in On Now and Guide.
new Setting to hide On Now and Guide filters.
new Setting to set Quick Guide to a custom collection or the current collection.
new Setting to hide All and Favorites filters.
fixed All TV Shows filter was not being set correctly when revisiting it.

Version 4.4.5 (March 18th, 2021)

fixed Resolved some issues when first launching the app

Version 4.4.4 (March 18th, 2021)

fixed Memory leak and slowdowns after using experimental video driver to watch multiple channels or recordings
fixed Various bug fixes

Version 4.4.3 (March 9th, 2021)

improved Airplay2 improvements in Experimental audio driver
improved ATSC3 recording playback
fixed Guide art was making the app run a bit slow

Version 4.4.2 (February 22nd, 2021)

new Setting to control how duplicate channels are stacked in the guide
improved Added Recently Updated to the TV Shows section
improved Audio driver support for AirPlay2
improved Failed recordings appear in the Schedule for a few days
fixed Sorting was incorrect in All Shows
fixed Scheduling duplicate recordings manually from the guide works more reliably

Version 4.4.1 (February 3rd, 2021)

new Stream Links - Add content from streaming services to your Channels library
new Added ability to mark and episode and all previous episodes as watched with a single action
new Recently Added Shows row added to the TV Shows enhanced view
improved Clicking on the current channel or recording while PIP is open will return PIP to full screen

Version 4.4.0 (January 22, 2021)

new Picture in Picture support.
new Custom Channels - Create your own channels using streaming sources.
improved Better image handling when device is offline
fixed Done button would be broken on some iPhone models.

Version 4.3.3 (December 28th, 2020)

improved Support for ATSC3 broadcasts
fixed Display issue in the Video Player on iPhone 12

Version 4.3.2 (December 8th, 2020)

improved Improved support for alternate audio codecs
improved UI polishes
fixed Random crashes when rewinding or fast-forwarding in the video player

Version 4.3.1 (November 20th, 2020)

improved Various UI polishings to help support the new Custom Channels feature
improved Mute now works from iOS 14 Control Center remote
improved Support for ATSC3 broadcasts with multiple audio tracks
improved Various bug fixes

Version 4.3.0 (October 30th, 2020)

new Choose a section for the app to start on every time it is launched or resumed.
new Choose a favorite channel to start playing every time it is launched or resumed.
new Optionally choose to browse your imported movies by folder in enhanced mode.
improved Better support for ATSC3 broadcasts
improved Video player performance when streaming remotely
improved Recordings button can be found on Library tab to help get there faster.
fixed Seeking would sometimes not work while watching an in progress recording
fixed Badges were some times missing their icons

Version 4.2.0 (October 13th, 2020)

new Set a sleep timer from the video player on tvOS and iOS
new Temporarily disable Auto Play for the current view session on tvOS and iOS
new STATS FOR NERDS! - view details of your video files and video playback on tvOS and iOS
improved Dolby Digital audio tracks are preferred over other tracks when an audio track is automatically chosen during playback
fixed Video player would sometimes mysteriously dismiss on iOS
fixed Search would sometimes mysteriously reset on iOS

Version 4.1.3 (October 7th, 2020)

improved Scheduled Recordings section updates reliably when accessed from the Sidebar
improved Seeking incredibly improved on large imported MKV files
fixed Black screen with experimental video driver after video player is interrupted by sleep or airplay
fixed Seeking backwards would sometimes not work on large imported MKV files
fixed Seeking forward would not work while watching an in progress recording

Version 4.1.2 (October 3rd, 2020)

fixed Seek change from last update was not working in some instances.

Version 4.1.1 (September 29th, 2020)

new Optionally chose to have content automatically resume or be prompted with the choice.
improved Seeking to the end of a recording will stop you at the Next Up prompt to help Auto Play.
fixed Play To would not always prompt for where you wanted to watch from iOS
fixed Launching with HDHomeRun tuners reporting 0 channels would get the UI stuck

Version 4.1.0 (September 16th, 2020)

new Show Options allows you to exclude a show from Up Next, set the watch order to newest first, and skip commercial indexing
new Auto Play options let you ignore watched episodes during automatic playback
improved Auto Play now respects your show’s Watch Order preference
improved Various bug fixes

Version 4.0.4 (August 25th, 2020)

fixed Some Library views would not render or sort correctly
fixed Some types of imported movies would not play any video

Version 4.0.3 (August 13th, 2020)

new Setting to move Schedule to the main navigation
improved Alphabetical sorting of Movies and TV Shows now ignores prefixed articles
improved Remote Shortcut for Live TV can also be used as Previous Channel
improved Added 'm' keyboard shortcut to toggle mute
improved Added 'c' keyboard shortcut to toggle captions
fixed New HDHomeRun with no channels would not be detected by the app on first install
fixed Incorrect audio language was being selected on some international channels
fixed TV Shows filters were not being remembered
fixed Bluetooth keyboard navigation was not working on Recordings tab

Version 4.0.2 (August 6th, 2020)

fixed Crash on iOS trying to use app shortcuts
fixed Subtitles on some imported movies were not appearing
fixed Closed captions could fail to turn on for some channels
fixed Incorrect audio track could be selected on some channels

Version 4.0.1 (August 3th, 2020)

improved Alphabetical sort ignores The/A prefixes
fixed Up Next would fail to refresh sometimes
fixed Filter option in Movies and TV Shows was not being remembered

Version 4.0.0 (July 20th, 2020)

new Expanded browsing library experience for larger libraries
new Kids section lets you put kid movies and shows in their own section
new View recordings as a list in the order they were recorded
new Auto Play next episodes
new Shuffle playback to play random episodes in a row for your show
new Playback now prompts if you want to resume or not
new Manage the Trash right from Channels
new Mark your shows and movies as favorites
new Kiosk mode lets you hide Settings section
new Commercial editor lets you adjust the commercial indexes of all your recordings
new Swipe controls and Context Menus have been added all over
new Tons of other new options to make Channels a little more customizable

Version 3.2.45 (June 25, 2020)

fixed Guide would not load future items for DVR users.

Version 3.2.44 (June 17, 2020)

improved Expanded guide data for non-DVR users
fixed Connecting to HDHomeRun over VPN was not working on cellular connections
fixed Compatibility with upcoming audio descriptions broadcasts in Australia

Version 3.2.43 (May 15, 2020)

improved Descriptions f or closed caption and audio tracks
fixed Slow memory leak
fixed Occasional crash

Version 3.2.42 (May 6, 2020)

improved Diagnostics reporting for support requests
fixed App could crash after streaming remotely for some time
fixed Crash when trying to delete Series Pass on an iPad

Version 3.2.41 (April 29, 2020)

fixed Various bugs.

Version 3.2.40 (April 21, 2020)

fixed Crash due to memory exhaustion
fixed Crash when parsing invalid EPG data

Version 3.2.39 (April 19, 2020)

improved Crash reporting

Version 3.2.38 (April 18, 2020)

fixed Occasional crash when submitting diagnostic logs
fixed Crash when entering nothing when manually adding a HDHomerun

Version 3.2.37 (April 17, 2020)

fixed Crashes in the video player in some regions

Version 3.2.36 (April 16, 2020)

improved Diagnostic submissions
improved Specifying a hostname for a DVR or HDHR will now work as expected
fixed Auto-play would occasionally not keep playing

Version 3.2.35 (January 15, 2020)

improved Small performance improvement in remote streaming
improved Better image caching behavior for faster loading
fixed Program details would sometimes not appear in the guide.
fixed Transcoded Live TV sessions continued for 30 seconds beyond when they should have ended
fixed App would fail to stream if HDHR IP address changed.
fixed Occasional crashes while watching video
fixed Video player errors would sometimes not appear
fixed Rare hang while playing remote video
fixed Some other rare crashes

Version 3.2.34 (December 9, 2019)

fixed Various bug fixes

Version 3.2.33 (December 3, 2019)

fixed Top Shelf not loading if not using a DVR
fixed HDHomeRun devices not properly found on app start if not using a DVR
fixed Seeking while watching Live TV remotely via the DVR could seek to wrong location

Version 3.2.32 (November 29, 2019)

improved Update channel lineups on every app launch
fixed Crash while starting to watch Live TV via DVR if the DVR hostname cannot be resolved
fixed Properly detect legacy HDHomeRun devices when connected to a DVR
fixed Automatic Commercial Skipping sometimes would not activate for the first commercial

Version 3.2.31 (October 30, 2019)

fixed Add Source button would sometimes be missing.

Version 3.2.30 (October 29, 2019)

fixed [DVR] Recordings and schedule were not loading correctly in previous release.

Version 3.2.29 (October 29, 2019)

new [DVR] Release Date added as a sort option for movies and shows.
new Added the ability to turn off analytics.
fixed Mute badge would not dissapear after unmuting.

Version 3.2.28 (October 8, 2019)

improved Updated video player libraries with latest bug fixes and performance improvements.
fixed Remote streaming would take a long time to start on iPhone 11.
fixed Some shows would not sort episodes correctly.
fixed Crash when Experimental Audio Driver is enabled.

Version 3.2.27 (September 24, 2019)

new [DVR] Adaptive streaming adjusts quality based on internet speeds
fixed Warning icons would sometimes show on airing modals
fixed Various bug fixes

Version 3.2.26 (August 17, 2019)

new Setting to sort guide channel order.
new Keyboard control in the video player.
new [DVR] Episodes delayed or interrupted while recording are marked.
new [DVR] Lock recordings to prevent auto-delete.
new [DVR] Failed jobs will be marked on the Schedule.
fixed [DVR] Recording could get stuck with spinner in timeline during playback.

Version 3.2.25 (July 26, 2019)

improved Experimental support for AirPlay2 speakers.
fixed Remote streaming seek performance at Original quality.
fixed Player could get stuck with a spinner when playing some recordings.

Version 3.2.24 (July 12, 2019)

new Stable HDHR firmware.
fixed Timeline could become glitchy after buffering live tv for many hours.
fixed Some channels would tune very slowly in Australia.
fixed [DVR] Some recordings would fail to play remotely.

Version 2.2.23 (June 20, 2019)

improved Choose between these commercial skipping styles: Automatic, Skip Button, or Manual

Version 2.2.22 (June 11, 2019)

new Automatic commercial skipping
new Commercial skip button
fixed Channel scan wasn't working for some beta HDHomeRun firmwares

Version 2.2.21 (May 29, 2019)

fixed Crash during app exit
fixed Crash when displaying HDHomeRun error
fixed Crash while viewing the Guide
fixed Crash while exiting the video player

Version 2.2.20 (May 25, 2019)

fixed Crash for users of European broadcast TV
fixed Crash while viewing guide
fixed Crash after playing
fixed Crash during device discovery
fixed Crash while reconnecting to DVR

Version 2.2.19 (May 23, 2019)

fixed Rare crashes

Version 2.2.18 (May 18, 2019)

fixed Various bug and rare crashes.

Version 2.2.17 (May 14, 2019)

improved Significant improvements with Channels DVR Server discoverability
fixed Guide data could be missing while accessing remotely
fixed Timeline could jump around when scrubbing recordings.
fixed Video player could fail to quit when recordings ended.

Version 2.2.16 (May 11, 2019)

fixed Guide data could be missing after leaving the app and returning.

Version 2.2.15 (May 7, 2019)

new HDHomeRun Premium channel support removed
improved Show summary is spoken via VoiceOver in the guide
fixed Playback would freeze while playing back recordings in the UK.
fixed Player sometimes would not exit after recording finished playing.
fixed Legacy HDHomeRun devices could get stuck at black screen when changing channels
fixed Mute persists after changing channels

Version 2.2.14 (April 23, 2019)

improved [DVR] Improved remote playback on slow/laggy WiFi networks
improved [DVR] Increased buffering for remote playback
improved Added latest HDHomeRun firmware updates
fixed HDHomeRun tuners would sometimes fail to be discovered

Version 2.2.13 (March 23, 2019)

improved [DVR] Double-click to skip commercial will seek to the end of the commercial more accurately.
fixed Some channels in Finland would not play correctly.
fixed Some channels in Finland and Italy would play english audio instead of native language.
fixed [DVR] Search would not work when using quotes.

Version 2.2.12 (January 25th, 2019)

new Customize the channels shown in the in-player Quick Guide
improved Some bug fixes with the video player
improved Remote DVR streams will include surround sound at bitrates higher than 6mbps

Version 2.2.10 (October 31, 2018)

new Support for the new 11" iPad Pro and 12.9" iPad Pro
fixed Channel scan was not showing progress

Version 2.2.9 (October 25, 2018)

fixed Remote playback on XS & XS Max would sometimes fail
fixed Bug fixes and stability fixes
fixed Settings tab looked bad with large Dynamic Type

Version 2.2.8 (October 7, 2018)

new [DVR] Connect to Channels DVR directly by IP address
improved Channels DVR discover reliability
improved HDHomeRun device discover reliability
improved [DVR] Remote DVR reliability
improved Larger buffer for Premium TV streams to avoid stalling.

Version 2.2.7 (September 20, 2018)

new Support for iPhone Xr, iPhone Xs, and Xs Max
new Added a setting to skip the Play To prompt when watching a show or recording
improved Better setup experience when connecting to a newly installed DVR
improved Recordings will resume at the last watched duration more reliably
improved Improved HDHomeRun Premium channel playback
fixed [DVR] Custom padding options weren't appearing as options for scheduled recordings
fixed [DVR] Some instances where Cancel Recording was not being shown
fixed Teletext menus were appearing on some Finish stations when captions were enabled
fixed Channels could appear out of order when multiple HDHomeRuns had overlapping stations
fixed Some UI fixes

Version 2.2.6 (August 30, 2018)

fixed Stuttering on some HDHomeRun Premium TV stations.
fixed Secondary audio tracks would sometimes not appear in the language picker.
fixed [DVR] ClearQAM channels could appear as Unknown after setting guide mappings.

Version 2.2.5 (August 23, 2018)

fixed Some minor bugs

Version 2.2.4 (August 22, 2018)

fixed [DVR] Remote streaming could sometimes not work
fixed HDHomeRun Premium TV channels hide option would reset between launches
fixed Legacy tuners were sometimes failing

Version 2.2.3 (August 20, 2018)

new Support for HDHomeRun Premium TV

Version 2.2.2 (August 13, 2018)

fixed Small bug fixes.

Version 2.2.1 (August 7, 2018)

new Customize closed captioning styles via System Accessibility Settings.
improved Descriptive Video tracks are marked in the Language picker.
improved [DVR] Show original air date for recorded programs.
improved [DVR] Some padding options were not available.
improved [DVR] Up Next would sometimes not update after watching an episode.
fixed Wrong default audio track was picked on some channels.
fixed Sporting events in some regions could show as Unknown on the guide.

Version 2.2.0 (June 26, 2018)

improved The overall design has been freshened up
improved [DVR] Info modals have been unified across iOS and tvOS to share the same flows
improved [DVR] You can now watch current airings directly from the schedule or search results

Version 2.1.16 (June 12, 2018)

improved Better audio/video sync with HomePod (Airplay2)
fixed Some DVB-T2 channels using HEVC could flash blue during playback.
fixed Seeking would not work reliably when streaming remotely for more than an hour.
fixed Guide would not show date/time headers after 14 days.
fixed DVR users could not create season passes for sports.
fixed Music Choice channels would take several seconds to start playing.

Version 2.1.15 (April 20, 2018)

improved Closed captioning support in Germany.
fixed DVB-T2 HEVC channels would not play smoothly.
fixed Several rare crashes.

Version 2.1.14 (April 18, 2018)

new Latest stable firmware for HDHR devices.
improved Remote streaming will buffer for smoother playback.
improved Support for closed captioning in Australia.
fixed Legacy tuners will try to guess HD channels based on call signs.

Version 2.1.13 (March 26, 2018)

improved Sleeker progress indicators
fixed Progress indicators for Up Next would sometimes not show

Version 2.1.12 (March 23, 2018)

improved Up Next episodes now show progress indicators
improved VoiceOver support on the guide

Version 2.1.10 (March 14, 2018)

improved Season/episode number are shown in the player when watching a recording.
improved Option to reconnect to Remote DVR if connection is lost.
fixed Extended padding options were not visible for Sport passes.
fixed Firmware updates were not working.

Version 2.1.9 (March 7, 2018)

new Stable firmware for latest generation HDHRs.
improved VoiceOver support for scheduled/recording programs on the guide.
fixed Closed captions would appear garbled on some channels.
fixed Some recorded shows would not display their episodes in the correct order.
fixed Fast Forward would sometimes cause pausing

Version 2.1.8 (February 14, 2018)

improved Winter Olympic recordings are now in order and presented better.
improved Improvements for legacy tuners

Version 2.1.7 (December 15, 2017)

fixed Scrolling issues on the Settings tab.
fixed Audio track selection UI when remote streaming.
fixed Video player would fail to stream from local HDHR if also connected to remote DVR.
fixed Remote DVR would not auto-connect on app launch if local HDHRs were also present.

Version 2.1.6 (December 14, 2017)

new Stable firmware for new HDHomeRun DUO and QUATRO.
improved Images are cached so they continue to be visible if the internet connection is lost.
improved Better remote streaming performance over high-latency connections.
fixed Remote Wi-Fi streaming at Original Quality could show Transcoder Not Available error.
fixed Some H264 channels would glitch during playback.
fixed Some channels would lose A/V sync during playback.
fixed Remote playback of an in-progress recording would sometimes not allow seeking.

Version 2.1.4 (November 8, 2017)

improved Notification permission is no longer requested on first launch. Channels will only request permission when using a feature that uses it (Airing Reminders).
fixed VoiceOver accessibility issues.
fixed Other small UI fixes.

Version 2.1.3 (November 3, 2017)

new Ready for iPhone X.
fixed Other small UI fixes.

Version 2.1.2 (October 26, 2017)

new Overscan setting for the video player.
improved Better guide data coverage in Germany.
fixed Watching in-progress recording with end padding would not allow seeking into the padding.
fixed Remote streaming of recordings would sometimes fail to start.

Version 2.1.1 (October 18, 2017)

improved Remote DVR will show an error message if your DVR can't transcode video for remote playback.

Version 2.1 (October 17, 2017)

new Remote DVR lets you use Channels on the go and away from home.
improved Faster tuning of H264 channels.
improved Tuner Sharing option is off by default.
improved Support for setting up legacy TECH tuners with DVR.
fixed Tuner Sharing was not working with legacy hdhomeruns.
fixed Video playback could stutter at the end of a recording when closed captions were enabled.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 2.0.3 (October 11, 2017)

improved Various bug fixes.

Version 2.0.1 (October 3, 2017)

new Latest stable HDHomeRun firmware.
fixed Sports weren't showing up in More Recently Recorded.

Version 2.0 (October 2, 2017)

improved Series Passes will use your default keep settings.

Version 1.4.11 (September 28, 2017)

new Added HEVC hardware decoding for Germany DVB-T2 channels.
fixed H264 decoding issues on some channels.
improved Better channel scanning for legacy HDHR DUAL.
fixed DVR Tuner Sharing was not working with legacy HDHR DUAL.
fixed App could crash on iOS 10.

Version 1.4.9 (September 19, 2017)

new Adds support for iOS 11.
new Customize your seek durations to 3, 7, 10, 15, or 30 seconds.
new Custom seek durations just for sports. These seek durations will only be in effect when watching a sporting event.
fixed Team Passes for DVR would not allow more than 15 minutes of end padding.

Version 1.4.8 (August 10, 2017)

fixed Close button would not work on some DVR modals.
fixed Some DVR modals would overflow when title/description were too long.

Version 1.4.7 (July 26, 2017)

fixed Rare crash was preventing app from launching for some users.

Version 1.4.6 (July 25, 2017)

new Full DVR support for both iPhone and iPad.
new HDHomeRun Tech3-US support.
improved Added firmware upgrade support for HDHR TECH models.
fixed DVB EPG parsing was not working in Czechia.

Version 1.4.5 (March 30, 2017)

fixed Some H.264 channels in the UK would stutter during playback.

Version 1.4.4 (March 27, 2017)

fixed HDHomeRun DUALs would sometimes be listed as HDHR3-US on Settings.
fixed Singaporean HD channels would distort audio playback.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 1.4.3 (March 8, 2017)

new Tap and drag to scrub the video playback cursor.
improved Video player performance.
fixed Some rare crashes affecting a few users.
fixed Video player would pause when swiping up the Control Center.
fixed Closed captions were not working on some non-HD cable channels.

Version 1.4.2 (February 27, 2017)

fixed On iOS 9 devices, app would crash trying to play a channel.

Version 1.4.1 (February 23, 2017)

fixed Some DVB customers were experiencing crashes when switching between H264 channels.

Version 1.4.0 (February 20, 2017)

new Hardware accelerated decoding of AVC/H.264 channels. This means reduced CPU usage and better battery life when watching AVC/H.264 channels or transcoded streams from the HDHomeRun EXTEND.

Version 1.3.3 (November 11, 2016)

fixed DVB subtitles were not working.

Version 1.3.2 (November 9, 2016)

fixed Some channels would not appear under the All Channels filter.
fixed Some DVB radio stations would take a long time to start playing.

Version 1.3.1 (November 4, 2016)

new Channels will remember what tab you were last on when re-launching.
improved Some minor UI improvements.
fixed 3D Touch to launch previous channel was not working.
fixed HDMI adapter would not display video in full screen.

Version 1.3 (October 19, 2016)

new Multiple HDHomeRun tuners can be used at once.
new You are now alerted that you will lose your unwatched buffer before changing channels or exiting back to the guide.
fixed Some cable channels would play Spanish audio by default.

Version 1.2.1 (October 12, 2016)

fixed Filtering now works for international users with Gracenote EPG.
fixed Some rare crashes.

Version 1.2 (October 10, 2016)

new On Now supports channel filters.
improved HD channels shown first when filtering by category.
improved Confirmation screen when clicking "Upgrade Firmware" button on Settings tab.
fixed Some programs were not being shown on the Guide tab.

Version 1.1.2 (October 6, 2016)

fixed Setting a reminder would sometimes crash.
fixed Leaving the video player would crash in rare circumstances.

Version 1.1 (September 29, 2016)

new You can now set reminders on upcoming shows to have Channels notify you 5 minutes before they start.
improved App rating is now 12+

Version 1.0.6 (September 13, 2016)

improved Minor fixes for iOS 10.

Version 1.0.5 (September 2, 2016)

new Quality preference can be used to improve CPU usage.
improved Seek performance.
fixed Video player would sometimes lock up while seeking.

Version 1.0.4 (August 10, 2016)

new You can now hide channels in addition to favoriting them
fixed Watch Now button was appearing on future showings

Version 1.0.3 (August 5, 2016)

new Change the channel on Channels for Apple TV
new Tap-and-hold a channel on the Guide tab to add/remove from Favorites
improved Video playback begins more quickly after selecting a channel

Version 1.0.2 (August 2, 2016)

new 3D Touch shortcut to instantly watch your last channel
fixed minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.1 (July 29, 2016)

new Added a filter for non hd channels
improved Some design tweaks for the favs bar on iPad
fixed App would sometimes crash on the guide

Version 1.0 (July 27, 2016)

new The app!

More about Channels

Channels is the best way to watch and record all of your favorite shows. Watching live TV with a familiar guide, record your favorite shows, and stream everything while away from home.

Learn more about Channels